In a Skin Care session at The Hidden Treasure there I got an opportunity to meet Miss Nepal 2016 participants, determined ones. All maintained their good posture, impressive.
They all looked fresh and would be excited to know enough about Skin Care. I started with the topic; Stress, levels of stress and their effect on human body and on face. To me, Miss Nepal event is an amazing event that demands highest level of confidence and it promotes you to the world pageant.
Therefore, the natural charm in your face is essential to obtain the confidence. The healthy skin around the eyes displays expressions and emotions that are important part of your personality.
“Why Not Going Natural Way for Healthy Skin?” This is the first topic where I have sixty minutes for my speech and another sixty minutes to talk about Body Toxins.
Yes. Body Toxins. I am a Certified Aesthetician. And, technically speaking, when you have muscles aches and pains it may be because you are not physically working out, or caused by eating junk foods or incorrect posture, less water drinking habit. If toxins overloads, you may experience stiffness on your muscles. In a long run, you’ll be suggested to see a therapist. Toxins need to be drained through correct massage application into the nodes.
And I always concern about applying natural products, fruits and vegetables to maintain healthy skin. Either Do It Yourself or consult with Certified professional.
Because you are already beautiful. You just need to maintain from the heart, whatever is natural, as Skin is also a living organ and you should feed them natural ingredients.
(Everyone clapped and I smiled back)